
Lisa’s Story…

After a decade with the Royal Bank, Lisa ventured on her own, initially as a consultant specializing in designing competency-based HR systems and delivering leadership development sessions, and eventually migrating to individual and team leadership coaching.  One of Lisa’s core values is learning, which shows up in her extensive education and accreditation and her constant hobby, reading.

Why ‘Ocean Tides’?

When Lisa first started her business in 1999 she was pondering a company name.  Her husband Neil said, “if you are considering a creative name, it has to have the ocean in it, because you love the ocean”.  Lisa then researched ocean tides and decided there was a metaphor in there somewhere about the tides of change in life and leadership, and the importance of being resilient and present through the ebb and flow.  The pictures of the ocean on this site were taken by Lisa’s husband Neil.

Lisa’s biography can be found HERE

Lisa’s style was described by her clients in a 360:

“Lisa is known to be knowledgeable, focused, productive, on task and goal oriented.”

“Lisa believes in the capability of her clients.”

“Lisa builds trust and relationships and connects with clients deeply.”

“Lisa asks powerful questions, provides feedback or observations as appropriate, directs clients toward self awareness and actions, and holds clients accountable for their own intentions and commitments.”